Yuri Lowenthal

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Insomniac Games

San Diego Comic-Con Panel 2023


I had the great pleasure,

(seriously, he’s a gem)

of altering and customizing a suit with our version of the yet to be released symbiote symbol for Spider-Man 2.

Yuri is known for wearing Spider Man styled suits, hoodies, and t-shirts to events.

we wanted to create something for him that showed off his evolving character in the game, with a dash of James Bond handsome.

He looked smashing, and brought the suit to life.


Concept art

This project started with some concept art! Yuri sent photos of himself at different angels wearing the clothes we planned on customizing. With the help of photoshop, we provided visual options and together we chose the best designs. The symbiote spider is white in the game, however, we thought the grey would lend a bit of sophistication, and a more subtle representation in the front view.

 material and test pattern


It starts here. We begin with swatches, and we landed on a beautiful Gaberdine wool from International Silks and Woolens in LA. One of my favorite resources. I use Pantone swatches to show the true color, as photos are not always accurate color wise.

test pattern

Next up, we created a paper pattern from the concept art. A rough “test fit” is done to work out placement, and design adjustments. The design was large, and it had to be recognizable while fitting on the form.


After the paper mock up, necessary changes to the design are made, and we are ready to cut the fabric. The front was separate pieces, but the back was one large all in one piece, which required quite a bit of yardage. There were several double checks before cutting (no pressure!)


Here we go!

Back Jacket Applique’

Design cut out with seam allowances.


All the pieces seam allowances, front and back were painstakingly ironed before being applied and hand basted.

The pins help to hold down the seam allowance while I steam.

Hand basting, so much hand basting.

The front of the jacket will be pinned, and then roughly hand basted down, and then hand appliqued to give a clean finish for photos. Think of it like a cool spider man antique quilt.

Though more up front time, it’s easier to work with something fussy like this without a thousand pins. Plus, I get stuck by less pins. Haha.

The back of the jacket will also have the design hand basted first, but it will be applied to the jacket with careful edge stitching via the sewing machine.

Coming along!


Applying the design to the back jacket.

Even with the basting stitches, it still requires a bit of finessing. This means I have tweezers near by to manipulate as needed.




the front, Hand set applique`, all day (many days)



Final Product

Yuri Debuted the suit at San Diego Comic Con 2023.

Clearly, he’s having a great time!

the Best Dressed guy in the room (I’m not biased ;)

Thank you yuri!
