this and that

Sometimes it’s hard to say no to little Projects. The ones you work on after hours, on weekends, sewing until the wee hours of the night… Some of These are That.

others, are older projects, that still hold a place in my heart.


little bits Commercials

this was a series of 3 stop motion animated commercials. For this project, I was responsible for the costume designs and production of the costumes for the figures.


Completed September 2018




Each article of clothing was meticulously created to the proportions of a temporary puppet. It is not unusual to have no paint, hands or feet when costuming. Mock ups are often created on one body, and final dress happens once puppets are ready from fabricator.


Fabric Choices


When creating the outfits for each character, I provided detailed layouts. These include examples of clothing styles with possible fabric choices, and in some cases alternates for the client to approve or make notes, so we can start production.


Final Character Designs

Rover girl, Sailboat Girl, and Boy in Park
