the Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast

tokyo disneyland

1. a gigantic beast

This is one of the animatronics Beasts that we dressed. As you can see, it’s a monstrous challenge!

2. Beast’s Jacket

Everything about Beast was large.

3. installing details on beast’s jacket

The devil is in the details.

3. working on the dress shirt

Obviously hard at work figuring out if this shirt would fit the animatronic correctly. Seriously though, this is Beast’s sleeve, he was so big!

4. the beast

with bird

It’s funny how pets look like their owners.

Bell’s Dress

I also had the opportunity to work on Bell’s dress. The following images are detailed shots to showcase the intricate beadwork and lace involved. In addition, giving a peak at how much goes on underneath each of the costumes. So many snaps and attachments.



Client - Tokyo Disneyland

Completed - 2019

All rights reserved.